
All Lake Valley Navajo School bus riders need to review the bus schedule for designated bus stop locations and pick-up times. The bus drivers will not be allowed to make unscheduled stops without prior permission from the principal. Please make sure students are waiting at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time. The bus will not wait for any tardy students.
Every bus rider must have a signed bus contract on file, and any changes to the pick-up or drop-off location must be approved by both the Principal and the bus driver. Major violations of the Student Code, such as fighting, bullying, vandalism, stealing, etc. may result in the loss of bus privileges. The bus driver is in charge at all times and will assign every student a seat on the bus. Refusal to sit in the assigned seat is a violation of school rules.

Transportation Cancellation due to Inclement Weather
REMIND and SCHOOL MESSENGER will launch automated messages if there is a need for a school delay or cancellation.
Bus Rules - "Don't Lose Your Riding Privilege"
To ensure a safe and enjoyable ride for everyone, students must follow these important bus rules. Violating these rules may result in losing your riding privilege:
- Be on time
- Have respect for others and for the driver
- Remain in your seat
- For safety, keep the aisle and exits clear
- Be courteous; never use foul language or obscene gestures
- Keep all body parts inside the bus
- The use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs is prohibited
- No food or drinks on the bus
- Do not damage any part of the bus; you and your parents will be responsible for repairs
- For your own safety, do not distract the driver
- Listen to the bus driver